Compassionate Guide
for Immigrants
Providing key information for treating immigrants with compassion as Christians in the United States, including their rights and emergency preparedness in the face of recent executive orders.

Mission Talk equips Latinos for community transformation and mobilizes
to impact public policy and transform the conditions of people’s daily lives.
Mission Talk is honored to be featured in the PBS documentary VOCES: LATINO VOTE 2024.
This powerful film explores the key issues driving Latino voter turnout. Our commitment to empowering the Latino community extends beyond advocacy—it’s about ensuring our voices are heard at the ballot box. Tune in and learn how Latinos are shaping the future of our country.
We engage Latino churches in understanding social problems and exploring their roles and responsibilities in leading social impact.
We develop leaders to address the root causes of communities' biggest problems and coach them to spearhead community transformation.
We empower people to lead change and mobilize them to express their faith publicly through prophetic advocacy.
62.5 million Latinos now live in the U.S. with a significant voice to influence public policies and make a difference in our communities.*
77 million Americans in the U.S. have criminal records. Many are Latinos who struggle to get ahead in life, even after paying their debt to society.**
11 million undocumented immigrants live in fear everyday of being separated from their immediate families.***
Over 13 million children in the U.S. live in households that struggle to put food on the table.****
With over 1.3 million Latino evangelicals in Florida (and millions more across the country), we are casting a new vision of social engagement for the Latino/a Church and, in little time, are seeing dramatic impact.*****
Introduced 500 Latino church leaders to justice issues impacting their communities, through our six-week educational cohort.
Mobilized over 1,800 Latino church leaders from over 30 counties in Florida to participate in our prophetic advocacy efforts.
Provided coaching to 250 leaders, through our Justice Leadership Development for Community Transformation Program.
A Chronicle on Latino Evangelicals
Engaging with Black History
Mission Talk launches its justice leadership development program in Montgomery, Alabama and visited historic sites and museums to engage Latino Evangelicals with Black and Indigenous history.

Leading Justice.
Transforming Communities.
Mission Talk on PBS
Mission Talk is honored to be featured in the PBS documentary VOCES: LATINO VOTE 2024. This powerful film explores the key issues driving Latino voter turnout. Tune in and learn how Latinos are shaping the future of our country.